Saturday, November 15, 2014

ALO Newsletter
Third Edition: November 15, 2014 

Featured Member: Julia Needham '18
Hi! I’m Julia, and I am currently in my first year at Elon. Even though my major in undecided right now, I am very interested in going into environmental engineering. Before coming here, I already knew that I wanted to take Arabic classes. I had previously gone through seven years of Spanish and was ready for something new and challenging (so far, so true). Arabic seemed to be the perfect fit! I am so happy that I decided to take Arabic 121 this semester, and I plan to move up to 122 in the spring. I’m not sure how I will use the language in the future; perhaps I will have the opportunity to study abroad in the Middle East sometime. One thing I do know is that I have never heard so many people say, “That’s so cool!” after hearing that I am taking the class.